
Buying Silver but Expecting Gold
After going through hundreds of discovery meetings, client brainstorms and project launches, we’re still finding ways to better set and manage our client expectations for the final product. Here are three considerations to keep in mind when working through a potential project with vendors.

Let People Die…
Joanna, a warehouse employee, is making her way across the floor to fill an order. As she rounds the last row of shelves, she is unknowingly approaching a forklift with a suspended load that is not safely marked off. Without looking up from her clipboard, Joanna continues to walk under the load while the forklift operator simultaneously throws it in reverse. The improperly secured load shifts with this sudden movement, tips, and the timing for Joanna couldn’t be worse.

5-Step Interactive Project Workflow
In five steps we’ll take your next interactive (AR/VR/etc) project with Abstract from concept to delivery. While every project varies in cost and complexity, they’ll all follow this workflow.

5 Stages of a Software Project
When working through the beginning stages of a software project, it’s important to understand the trajectory of the project so everyone knows the direction things are headed. Following the below steps help to define the scope, resulting in a more reliable cost estimate while reducing the likelihood of scope creep as the project is developed.