Innovative Solutions to
Transform your Workforce

Safeguard life and property while increasing the efficiency and
effectiveness of your workforce with emerging technology. (15).gif

Virtual Reality

Recreate any scenario or environment digitally with virtual reality.

Augmented Reality

Activate objects, images, or even facilities and overlay digital information.

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Software Development

From mobile apps to workflow software, we create customized solutions.



A hardware agnostic, cloud-based hub for all your XR experiences.

An Immersive Experience

Learn how companies are utilizing Virtual Reality (VR) to train and educate their workforce
to close the skills gap, increase productivity, reduce service costs and more.

Download White Paper

Superpowers for
your workforce

Learn how companies in industries like Manufacturing, Aviation, Oil & Gas
and others are using Augmented Reality (AR) to reshape the way they do business.

Download White Paper
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Insights Tracking with HUBxr

HUBxr offers a centralized, cloud-based portal, enabling administrators to manage interactive (AR/VR) and mobile experiences across an organization. Capture experiential data and compile results that can be shared to improve processes and individual performance.


Organizational Width

Gather manufacturing workflow statistics from AR solutions, and quickly pivot to view VR safety module results all in one dashboard. HUBxr brings cross-organizational experiences together under one roof.

User-based Depth

Insights aggregated in HUBxr’s reporting dashboard provides a holistic view of each integrated solution while providing the ability to drill down to granular, event-based actions of each user experience.

Compliment Legacy Systems

HUBxr is a non-invasive solution created to compliment existing legacy infrastructure. This minimally invasive approach is meant to ensure day-to-day process workflows remain unchanged.

Distracted Driving VR Simulator

In conjunction with Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service, we’re raising
awareness of the dangers of texting and driving in virtual reality.

Rolls-Royce Partners Finance

Information about our top-secret project coming soon!

COVID-19 Relief

Learn how a simple 3D print helped relieve a common
pain point of our frontline medical workforce at no cost to them.